Tic Tac Toe Image Splitter

Select Tic Tac Toe Size:

Select Paper Size:


cm ?


Load image:


Printing Problems?

Be sure you select your desired page size before printing or creating the PDF. In the print dialog, use the same paper size and ensure that scaling is set to 100%.

Paper Size

Standard Letter/A4 Size

Standard paper sizes can be used for any version of Tic Tac Toe. For stage sizes, each square will be divided vertically and printed on two pages. If you wish, you can adjust the settings to control the amount of overlap between the two pieces.

Large Tabloid/A3 Paper

You can print each stage sized square on a single tabloid or A3 sized piece paper. When printing, be sure to use the correct paper size.

Save as PDF

Instead of printing directly from your browser, you can save as a PDF file. This is particularly uesful if you plan to send the file to a printing company.


Theoretically, this utility should work in all modern browsers. Reality is never that simple. Given that this is a "quick and dirty" utility, there's a limit to how many hours I'm willing to spend resolving browser specific compatibility issues. (Hey, remember what you paid for this!)

This utility was designed for Chrome. If you run into trouble with other browsers, you may want to try it in Chrome.

Other modern browsers I've tested work reasonably well. (Internet Explorer is not a modern browser. Don't use IE and expect good things!)

I'm not a Mac guy, so I don't know how it works in Safari.Give it a shot and let me know how it goes.


If you find issues or have ideas for improvements, you can let me know on the Github project page. I'll do what I can with the time I can commit to this. Better yet, if you're also a computer nerd like me, you can jump in fix or improve it yourself.